Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Film History: The Jazz Singer

"Toot, Toot, Tootsie" Al Jolson 1927

Paper due: Tuesday March 24, 2009 (2 pages, typed, double-spaced)

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, you ain't heard nothin' yet!"

In this paper you should focus on discussing the core themes of the Jazz Singer in addition to critiquing the basic elements of the film. Please discuss the main themes of the film and give your comment on them in an intelligent way making sure to talk about the filmmaker’s choice of using blackface for the main character at times. The film was as big a technological achievement as the film was a commercial and critical success- how did you feel about the film? In modern day elements how might the film be handled? What type of performer would the main character be? Is the theme still relevant today?

If you base any of your information on outside sources (including the internet) you must include quotes and list your sources in a bibliography.

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